Are you interested in fostering? Well, fostering with Southern Paws saves lives! Almost 100 dogs go into our foster care program every year. Without our amazing foster homes we would be lost! We provide you with everything you will need to be a foster home, the only thing it costs you is a little bit of love and a warm lap to snuggle in.
We have 3 different foster programs!
We would love to speak with you about which program would be best suited for your family and lifestyle! Each program is very different and the timelines vary. We try hard to keep our fosters in the Northern Bergen County and Lower Rockland County area. The rule is usually within a 20 minute drive to our vets office in Allendale. Sadly you do not get to pick your fosters. Our fosters are reserved for those who need our help the most! Also please note that we do not have a foster to adopt program.