
The Tiki Eliasof Senior Program
The Tiki Eliasof Senior & Hospice Program began in 2017, after the death of Beth Eliasof, a dear friend and volunteer of Southern Paws. When Beth passed away we took in her beloved senior Newfoundland, Tiki, who lived with us for a year before passing. This experience opened our eyes to the need for senior and hospice placement for dogs in local shelters. It also gave us a great way to give back to our local community. As a result this program was started in memory of Beth and Tiki. It has become one that is very close to our hearts.
Through this program we are able to bring new life to elderly and terminally ill dogs. Each dog goes through extensive medical testing to determine if they are candidates for adoption or hospice care. If they are healthy, they get adopted out. If they are deemed hospice, they stay with us in loving foster homes as one of our own, until their time comes. It is a great honor to provide these dogs with the best possible life while they are in our care, and waiting to move on.
Heal Our Hearts Program
When Southern Paws opened in 2014 we quickly learned that one of the biggest challenges our sister shelters faced, was the overwhelming number of heartworm positive dogs coming into their shelters. Heartworm is an epidemic and having the financial means to treat all of the dogs coming in, is nearly impossible. The cost of heartworm treatment can range anywhere from $200 to $800 per dog, depending on the severity of their condition.
This support program was created so that people in our area can help by sponsoring a dogs heartworm treatment. Families, coworkers, friends can all band together, pick a dog in need, and fund raise together to save the life of their chosen pup. Just in 2018 alone, the Heal Our Hearts Sponsorship Program raised over $10,000 dollars and treated 36 dogs. In total, we have treated over 100 dogs since the birth of this program. Together we can make a difference.